Well, the real definition of a Bamboo worm is... a common slender cylindrical reddish polychaete worm (Clymenella torquata) dwelling in tubes in the littoral zone along the New England coast. These unique creatures can also be found mostly in Thailand. Plus they are edible. People in Thailand often eat these creatures substantially. These insects feed on bamboo in their own pulp.The adult moth only lives for two months: July and August. Mating takes place at night in early August after which the female lays a cluster of about 80-130 eggs near the base of a bamboo shoot. That's right! 80 to 130 eggs. That is like saying your mom having 80 - 130 babies. Anyway, that means more delicious treats for us!
The Eating Side
Bamboo worms are very famous in Thailand. Many people eat these with curry and rice.
The thought of eating bamboo worms might make one squirm but in Thailand insects
are considered a tasty and nutritious snack. Mostly these insects are made in feasts when something big has happened. In Thailand, people eat this with pork. These delicious bugs are very hard to find this species in the rainy season. One man must take at least three days to find it. Once the worms are found they are you should cook them, and they should sizzle each time they touch the oil.
That's gross and at the same time really interesting! Would you eat them?