
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Newtown Depression

What Happened

               Hey Guys! We all know about the depression in Connecticut last week. So I'm here to talk about it.  I am very sad about this massacre. All the kids that died had a life that went on. They had so much to experience in their lives. Plus, all of the kids that were killed were all first graders. I wonder how their parents felt. They must have been crying beyond tears. How would you like it if you lost a family member of yours that was so young and could learn so much. Then their life would end. How would you like that? The victims were shot multiple times. This had beaten Columbine High School. Now Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut had been the worst shooting because of one 20 year old, named Adam Lanza.

Adam Lanza
  Well if you all know Adam Lanza was the man who shot the 20 kids. He was autistic and 20 years old. He had taken his mother's life at her house, then he had gone to the school. At the school he had shot the door open. First let me tell you a little about him. Adam Lanza was and autistic kid and his mother had taught him how to use to gun. So it wasn't really his fault. Autistic kids have one special ability, but his was killing people apparently. While he was shooting he carried his brother's ID so that he thought he wouldn't get caught. Unfortunetly, his brother was shooting in Hoboken. After the massacre, Adam Lanza had committed suicide probably because he did not want to go to jail.

My Opinion

I think that they should just stop selling guns. When I was on the internet, I found out that there was a Mexican man selling guns on the streets of New York City. This is so bad. Where do people even get these guns from? It is terrible. I don't know why after 9/11 the president or government didn't make a law saying that guns are illegal. Another idea would be atleast put guards or police officers at schools. That would make life so much easier without even having stress. After President Obama's speech, people were touched, but not relieved.  They should do something that will not let this happen or else the United States will be losing innocent victims and other people will be suffering because of there is not a law of no guns.

I hope you really understand...

1 comment:

  1. I agree, they think the PEOPLE should stop buying guns, but the truth is that they should stop selling guns, this puts the economy at risk.
