
Thursday, November 15, 2012


What is Climbing?
What is Climbing? 
Climbing is simply the activity of using your hands and feet to achieve a steep obstacle such as a wall, boulder, cliff, building, or mountain. Usually done for enjoyment, fun, and sport, climbing allows you to fully experience the great outdoors by giving you a birds eye view from all the way up top from about 500 feet. Giving  you a way to control a couple of your greatest human fears. That of falling and that of heights. Climbing is a risky sport that requires both skill and nervousness for success. Climbing will also help you build your endurance and strength by using all of your muscles and making them work.
Informatin from WWW.ABOUT.COM

My Opinion on This?

I would do it if you had equipment. From my point of view, I think this is one of the most dangerous things to do in the world. Just to make it clear, there is no equipment. It is only you yourself and you. This is actually not only a good idea. It is like commiting suicide. People only do this for fame and money. They risk their lives for it. No one is ever meant to do it.  Once there was a man and he set a world record for climbing the three highest buldings in the world.

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